Featured Speaker: Emily Brown

About Emily Brown

Life Coach for Catholic Homeschool Moms
Emily Brown is a Catholic homeschooling mom of 7, ages 16 down to 4. She’s a former youth minister and has a deep passion for building up the kingdom of God one family at a time. Emily is a life coach for Catholic homeschoolers who want to enjoy the experience of their life with more peace and confidence in their vocations as wife, mother, and homeschooler. She has a private coaching practice where she works with Catholic mothers one on one, as well as a group coaching program called Happy, Holy Mama. You can find her on YouTube at Fiat Life Coaching with Emily Brown or listen to her podcast for Catholic homeschool moms called The Happy, Holy Mama Podcast.

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Emily's Gift

About Emily Brown

Emily Brown is a Catholic homeschooling mom of 7, ages 16 down to 4. She’s a former youth minister and has a deep passion for building up the kingdom of God one family at a time. Emily is a life coach for Catholic homeschoolers who want to enjoy the experience of their life with more peace and confidence in their vocations as wife, mother, and homeschooler. She has a private coaching practice where she works with Catholic mothers one on one, as well as a group coaching program called Happy, Holy Mama. You can find her on YouTube at Fiat Life Coaching with Emily Brown or listen to her podcast for Catholic homeschool moms called The Happy, Holy Mama Podcast.


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